How to overcome negative thoughts?

All of us can have negative thoughts at some point in our life, but these can become annoying or troublesome when we encounter them more often. Usually these negative thoughts are automatically generated and they don’t come with a stop button. These negative automatic thoughts can increase during a time of a crisis or emotional … Read more

10 statements NOT to say to a depressed person

It is true that words are powerful enough to break or make anyone. People with depression are already facing a difficult time and using certain statements can make them feel even worse about themselves. Let us check these out, what statements not to say to a depressed person. 1.You have everything in life, for what … Read more

What is Depression?|Not just sadness

Sometime or the other in our lives we have experienced a rejection or been in an unfavorable situation making us feel sad. We have adapted to experience such moments and bounce back really quickly. These emotions could be sadness, disappointment or irritation and can be transient. Depression is different than just being sad. There are … Read more


Quick facts about mental illness

Mental illness is real: As a mental health professional many a times I have come across families who chose to believe that there is no such thing as mental illness, and these families are the ones who are well educated. They simply state that their patient is probably faking it or overreacting! This is very … Read more